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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Student Loan Consolidation Info - It Is Your Responsibility To Borrow Responsibly

With the rising cost of higher education, student loans have become the most popular way to get the funding that is needed. Research has shown that over half of the financial aid awarded each year is in the form of a student loan.

With the numbers ever increasing, so are the numbers for defaulted loans. Most student borrowers find themselves with a debt load that they can't handle, just to get their schooling. With the cost of attaining a college education rising faster than the inflation rate, it is only expected to continue to rise each year. Some students have even been known to take on one student loan after another just to get by.

If you as a student, take every offer for a student loan that is made available to you, your debt will only continue to grow making it harder for you to pay off the total balance owed for your education.

Since student loan debt is necessary in obtaining your higher education, you must find a way to manage your debt. Trying to keep the total costs down right from the start is the first step to borrowing responsibly to finance your education needs.

Remember the more you borrow to finance your education, the higher each monthly payment will be once you have to start paying it back. Taking the time now to research your options for funding your college education could save you thousands of dollars once it's time to start making monthly payments on the loan.

Using a good loan repayment calculator that is available online can help you to figure just how much each one of those monthly payments will be, if you know how much you will need to borrow. Some calculators go as far as guiding you through the process of finding out what the salary of your chosen occupation will be.

Do Your Research Before Your Borrow.

Before you simply rush through the student loan process, take the time it takes to find out how you can save money on the different student loans available. A little bit of research can go a long way to help you when borrowing for college expenses and can save you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan you choose.

Don't fall into what is known as the loan trap. A loan trap happens when you borrow more money than you need for school thinking it will be easy to pay off later. Many student loans offer need-based loans that don't even require a payment until after you have received your degree. Only borrow the amount you actually need to finance your education so that you don't end up in the loan trap.

By : Ian Wilkie

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